| Do you have your connection to the DDN? |
 | A collection of BBN-related buttons I had on my tackboard. My favorite is the "I heart UNIX as supported by BBN Computer", but I'm sure everyone else likes the "Flying Blind" set. |
 | I had this ARPAnet map on my tackboard for much of my BBN tenure. I have a non-faded one somewhere, but somehow this seems appropriate now. |
 | A bunch of us Designer developers posed for this HR ad trying to get more AI researchers at BBN. Look closely and find Jjd, scoombs, slb, larry, fwhite, alatto as well as our friends from Labs: Frank Heart, Bruce Roberts, Ed Walker, Albert Boulanger, Richard Shapiro, Don Allen. |
 | You never know when you might need an original BBN parking sticker. |
 | The entire tools group gathered around a lisp machine on the sixth (?) floor of building 20. |
 | Tools group outside. |
 | The team that brought you Designer, known in some shady circles as DesigNET. |
 | The team that build DDA, the Datascope Debugging Assistant. |
 | This was the database statistics group. What's up with these guys? |
 | The Automated Network Troubleshooter (ANT) team. Where's Stephen? |
 | An earlier (1988?) version of the ANT team? |
 | Even though this is after she left net-analysis (and joined the BBN Internet Products Group), slb needed to be here since she wasn't in any of the other tools group pictures. |
 | Our Fearless Leader was featured on the
cover of the 1983 Annual Report. Look at all that math on the board!
Did he write it? |
 | We set up a lisp machine downtown at the annual meeting
of BBN shareholders. Was that when the company began its decline? |
 | Designer made the press. We got a lot of mileage
out of that article. |